Monday, January 2, 2012

Evolution Requires 60 Elements To Sustain Life?

In order to sustain life on earth there are quite a few complex requirements in order for us to live on planet Earth. There are 60+ elements required to sustain life as we know it. If any of these 60+ elements are eliminated then life as we know it for mankind could not exist on planet Earth. I will not give you all 60 elements but what I will give you are the most obvious elements that anyone and everyone is aware of on a daily basis.
When it comes to the possibility of God's existence, the Bible says that there are people who have seen sufficient evidence, but they have suppressed the truth about God.1 On the other hand, for those who want to know God if he is there, he says, "You will seek me and find me; when you seek me with all your heart, I will be found by you."2 Before you look at the facts surrounding God's existence, ask yourself, If God does exist, would I want to know him? Here then, are some reasons to consider...
1. Liquid Water
How long do you think you could survive without water? How long do you think animals would survive without water, plants and trees and other sources of food? Take away this single element and all life on earth would cease to exist. The question is, how did water come to the earth as we see it today? You will not find a common answer among the scientific community as to how water came to the earth, they only have theories. One theory they perpetuate, is that the ice on meteorites and comets fell to the earth and were melted by the earth's heat and the water was deposited on the earth from of these ice crystals which naturally took billions and billions of years to deposit all that water here on the earth in order for the water to exist. If you look at this logically, it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever but again this is how they theorize the deposit of water on the earth. The question I would ask is what came first to the earth or the water, the chicken or the egg.
2. Oxygen
Take away oxygen as a single element and all life on earth would cease to exist. One would have to believe that nature or the Big Bang was so intelligent that at some point in time it decided that it needed water and oxygen on a moving planet in order for some sort of life form to exist. It wasn't sure as to the type of life form it would create but in fact it would create some sort of life form because the Big Bang was an intelligent thing of some kind. On its face, common sense throws this very theories out the door. Now you can sit and argue with a scientist about this, they would give you dozens of illustrations that substantiate the existence of oxygen but they will not give you the reason of why or how it came into being just like their theories on water.
Needless to say without oxygen we could not breath, so perhaps I would make this my number one requirement to sustain life here on earth. The earth is unique in that it is the only planet that has oxygen to such an extent that the balance of oxygen is sufficient to sustain life. If there were an excess of carbon monoxide or other elements, needless to say nothing could survive. In God's perfect plan he designed man and all living creatures to be sustained by oxygen and created a perfect system such as your lungs in order to brief the oxygen and to sustain your life. One could say that this happened by pure random chance and that it was just the luck of the draw that evolution designed living beings to need oxygen in order to survive. I would say there was a designer in the planning and implementation of such a perfect and unique system to sustain life here on earth.
3. A Continental Land Mass and Home Star.
Once we are born obviously we need a place to park. The parking place is called Earth. You need habitable temperatures that can sustain life to its fullest extent. These temperatures are also necessary for the growth of all of our food sources, if we lower the temperature by 20 or 25° there would be few places on earth in which we could grow the crops necessary to sustain life. If we look at all the other planets in the solar system we know that there temperatures range anywhere from 250 degrees to 500 degrees below zero or perhaps several thousand degrees above zero along with gases storms and other anomalies whereas life could not be sustained. Our designer needless to say thought of everything.
Without a continental land mass we would all have to be great swimmers or fish. Personally I prefer to walk upright on the sidewalk rather than swimming to get around. If the earth had been showered with all of the ice crystals in meteorites that converted into water then why did it suddenly stop at a certain point to create the oceans and the seas? We must assume one of two things, either the Big Bang had intelligence to foresee the future and create a landmass for us to walk upon or there must've been a designer.
4. Sunlight.
Where would we be without sunlight, there are some who would be quite upset that it might affect their summer tan, but the fact of the matter is without the sunlight or the energy from the sun we would have an earth that would be completely uninhabitable. The sun provides the photosynthesis for the growth of all of our foods, trees and other plant life. It also provides the heat necessary for life to sustain itself here on earth, whereas without it, we would all freeze to death, but it really wouldn't matter because without sunlight there would be no earth as we know it now. I've seen all kinds of theories on how the sun was created, they talk about the continuous form of atomic explosions equal to that of billions of atom bombs going off on a continuous basis and from the Big Bang theory that it gathered up all the energy of other stars and created itself as a power unto itself the byproduct happened to be heat and light. Perhaps a designer came up with the concept as described in Genesis the first Chapter and God said let there be light and it was so. I hope you can see as we go through some of these elements required to sustain life that you can begin to see the necessity of all of the requirements in order to sustain life as a human being here on earth. I will not cover all 60 elements that are required. I will give you is a handful of the most common elements that are required to sustain life so that you will have a fair amount of ammunition when you were discussing the issue with nonbelievers.
5 An orbital path.
Because of the gravitational pull of the sun, the earth has an orbital path that is the exact distance required in order to sustain life here on earth. If it were closer it would be too hot and if there were further it would be too cold. The scientific community tells us that this is purely random chance that the earth fell into this exact orbital path in order to sustain life. Have you noticed that every theory they have is by random change. How many more do they need to complete their theories??
The earth is in fact slowing down. Every now and then you hear on the news, that they have added one second to the atomic clock in order for us to maintain our perfect 24-hour system. This may not sound like a a lot over a period of 100 years it may only be 100 seconds which means that the earth was rotating faster 100 years ago than it is today even the thousand years ago would only be 1000 seconds faster in terms of his rotation compared to today. But if we take it back 1 million years than the speed of the earth would be slightly faster than it is today and we take it back 1 billion years or 6 billion years as the scientific community proclaims the earth would have been rotating 5000 miles an hour faster than it is rotating today and nothing would be able to live on this planet. I believe that the great designer God created the perfect system when it comes to all things created in our solar system, it was no mistake it was not happenstance or an accident or pure luck as they would have us believe. You know the answer.
6. Food.
What came first, the chicken or the egg? Something that many people have fun with but it does present an interesting question. What came first the chicken or the egg? Or the mammals, man or animals or their food source. All living things on earth require energy to survive that includes bacteria, cancers, seaweed, plants, vegetables, mammals, fish and humans all require a source of energy for its existence. One of the great challenges in my life is confronting the scientific and atheistic community to present evidence as to the evolution of all food sources. You never hear them talking about it at lectures, on television shows, that would not perpetuate their theory of evolution or Darwinism. The answer is very simple they cannot defend it, therefore they will not talk about it, this in and of itself should tell you something about their credibility and their overall theory of creation. One would have to assume that the Big Bang in its reasoning must have known that there would be living things that required an energy source. So it magically produced it as it was needed to feed its voracious appetite to grow things and to perpetuate the tree of life according to Darwin.
If we look at Darwin's theory of evolution he claims that all life came from the sea and evolved into man at some point in time millions or billions of years ago. So again I ask the question "What came first the chicken or the egg'?, one would have to logically conclude that there had to be a food source in order to support the creation of life, rather than the reverse, that life was created and somehow magically the exact type of foods were produced simultaneously along with the creation of the first amoeba or bacteria, bug or fish in order to perpetuate the species. If you read Genesis charter 1 carefully you will see that God created it in a perfect order and all elements necessary to sustain life here on earth. It was not an accident and it was not magic, God spoke them into existence and it was so. I would remind you of the photosynthesis process necessary to grow all the food necessary to sustain life here on earth, so again the sun and the exact formula for temperature variations throughout the growing season is necessary to grow the food that we eat. Take away the sun and food you take away life.
7. Reproduction process.
In order to perpetuate any species of any kind there needed to be a method of reproduction. So again we have to assume that Darwin and the Big Bang scientists have the answer as to how the reproduction system was created in all living things. Keep in mind that all of these things we have discussed evolved from nothing, a speck of dust and into the known universe as it now exists, that is what they would have you believe. When God said be fruitful and multiply he did not say, figure out a way how to do this and get back to when you do. God knew exactly what he was doing and was perfect in everything that he did. There were no mistakes, there were no glitches and there were no errors.
8. The Moon.
We need a planet to balance the rotation of the earth and to stabilize its path around the sun which is the home star in which the earth rotates around in a perfect balance. To close we burn up to far we freeze.
9. Magnetic Field.
Without this field we would be unable to reflect the suns radiation and life on earth would not exist.
10. Gravity.
Gravity is an interesting phenomenon without it needless to say we would float away or perhaps have the ability to leap tall buildings in a single bound, but again a perfect design gives us the exact amount of gravity to sustain life here on earth.
I hope that these examples will give you enough basic information to talk with a nonbeliever in a manner that makes sense. Mahatma Gandhi the great leader of India once said that he would provoke the English into surrendering the country back to the Indian people. The thing I take away from his statement is the word "Provoke" and I believe that is what we as believers are to do with nonbelievers that is to provoke them to consider their life and their final destiny. Once we are able to do that then we are more likely to lead them in the direction of God and his son Jesus Christ.
There are many additional requirements to sustain life here on earth. Some chemical, some are biological and others have to do with cosmology itself. I hope these basic fundamental elements though will give you the wherewithal to discuss intelligently the existence of a creator.

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